The only app that unites the whole LGBTQ+ spectrum and makes fluid dating happen.
Connecting over 22M users and stands out because it is truly LGBTQ+ centered. Designed to curate flexible dating and sexual experiences for lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, and others who don’t identify as cis-het.
The only app that unites the whole LGBTQ+ spectrum and makes fluid dating happen.
Connecting over 22M users and stands out because it is truly LGBTQ+ centered. Designed to curate flexible dating and sexual experiences for lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, and others who don’t identify as cis-het.
likes sent & counting
120 min
spent on average
in-app by users

The most powerful way to tell your campaign story and build a connection with our audience. Taimi users are served this placement within their native flow and they look similar to Profile cards. Users click on the link below or the thumbs-up icon and get redirected to your website.
Static & video formats
Seamlessly integrated into the user journey
Maximizes engagement and reach
Building awareness and trust within the entire LGBTQ+ community
Advertise on Taimi
Learn more about one of the best platforms for reaching the full LGBTQ+ spectrum including the non-binary, gender-fluid and transgender communities.
How do Taimi Ads Work?
Taimi offers in-app ad placements in a native display format, seamlessly integrated with the users path. Users have the option to learn more by clicking the thumbs up icon to redirect to the advertiser’s website.
What Audiences Are Available on Taimi?
Taimi is a dating app for the broader LGBTQ+ spectrum including the non-binary, gender fluid and gender queer communities. 45% identify as queer, 24% as bisexual, 4% as non-binary and 4% as pansexual. The audience is young and diverse with 79% of users falling between the ages 18 and 34.
Launch Your Taimi Ad Campaign
Our team will work with you to create custom Taimi ads tailored to your needs. We specialize in creating inclusive and gender diverse advertising campaigns with ad copy and images that will resonate with the broader LGBTQ+ community. Contact us today to get started.