COMMANDO takes on COVID-19 (Kinda).

by | Dec 4, 2020 | Blog

Commando has decades of experience teaching LGBTQ communities about the importances of getting tested, prevention, awareness & revolutionary forms of treatment. This audience is full of tech-enthusiasts and trendsetters, so learnings from this group can be applied to much of the Millennial and Gen Z generation! We have experience delivering nuanced messages to this community across a variety of platforms, in specific geographic locations when necessary, and in ways that integrate with complex healthcare systems and regulations. That experience can help you spread the message about COVID-19 services. How, you ask?

By using targeted messaging that converts, across multiple platforms:

UCLA Department of Family Medicine is working with Moderna on a two-year COVID-19 vaccine study.  They reached out to Commando because they wanted to create a social media and dating app campaign to specifically target those who might be at an increased risk for severe illness from the virus that causes COVID-19. Christopher Blades, Community Education Program Manager at UCLA Vine Street Clinic estimates they received more than 400 inquiries from the ads in the first three weeks.  “Having these specific ads targeting this study has really helped a lot,” said Christopher. “I think utilizing Commando as a recruitment source has also helped us because it allowed the study to be broadcast on multiple social media platforms.”

By creating an authentic connection with young, LGBTQ-friendly audiences:

When NURX was managing their advertising strategy for PrEP in-house, it primarily consisted of designing their own creative and promoting it through Facebook advertising. “We had been using some basic targeting strategies on Facebook, but we didn’t know the niche places to go and we didn’t really have people on the team to make creative that would resonate with our target audience,” said Antonia Rubell, Senior Growth Manager at NURX. After partnering with Commando, NURX was introduced to a variety of new channels they wouldn’t have otherwise considered. “They have a long list of great channels and LGBTQ outlets. They know all the community apps, content sites, and media networks. They have strong partnerships with those different channels and can leverage their relationships and connections for better deals than we could get,” said Antonia. With Commando’s help, NURX was able to create authentic connections with the LGBTQ community that helped them grow their PrEP business by over 30%!

Growing your customer base:

Our client, Music City PrEP Clinic’s primary focus is preventing the transmission of HIV by prescribing pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). The Nashville-based sexual health clinic advertised its services through Facebook, Grindr, and Scruff, as well as in-person promotions at night clubs and Pride events. In doing so, the clinic grew its patient base considerably. Still, it wanted to bring in an agency to help reach even more potential patients in the region. “After working with Commando for a year and two months, [we have grown by 360%.  From 500 patients,] we now have 3,300 patients, and we expect to have 4,000 by November,” said Rob Birkhead, Marketing Director at Music City PrEP Clinic. “Commando was able to take us to a whole new level with not just their knowledge but the sheer volume of work they do on media outlets.” Need to spread the message about COVID-19 services? Contact us for a free consultation!


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