Pride never stops. Your marketing to the LGBTQ+ community shouldn’t either.

by | Jun 23, 2021 | Blog

Many companies spend months ramping up for their Pride campaigns, budgeting, allocating work hours, and pouring all of their efforts into the month of June. Our question for every company, every year, is why stop there?  How many opportunities have you missed to bring your services to the community simply because it doesn’t seem like the “right time of the year”.  Here are 3 reasons why you should consider marketing your product or service year-round to this community.
  1. The LGBTQ+ holds $3.7 trillion worth of buying power. Not all of that buying power will be utilized solely within the month of June, so why limit your marketing efforts to one specific month? We don’t only advertise to mothers on Mother’s Day or even Women’s month, so why do companies tend to apply that logic here.
  2. Queer consumers are very aware of rainbow capitalism and queer bating. The more you can show the community that you are consistent and want to help all year long, the more likely they will be to trust your brand or business. After all, the queer community doesn’t disappear come July or August.
  3. Because most companies abandon ship after June, there is less competition in the market. By advertising to the LGBTQ+ community in other months, your message will not only be more authentic, but it won’t have nearly as much rainbow clutter to get through.
We want to encourage you to create campaigns that outlast the mainstream media and major corporations. At COMMANDO, we work with clients to reach LGBTQ+ consumers all year round.  Here’s how we suggest you keep the ball rolling year-round. Whether you need design, copy, content, or landing pages, LGBTQ+ audience members are more likely to purchase from businesses who speak their language. That’s where we come in. We are a business of the community for the community.  COMMANDO can help take your ads beyond the traditional platforms and into spaces and apps where the queer community is actually hanging out. COMMANDO has established key relationships with the major dating app publishers. We have an understanding of the best ad opportunities and strategies that perform at the highest level. Today’s workforce is becoming increasingly diverse, as companies are becoming more aware of the benefits of hiring talent from various backgrounds and the contributions these employees bring to the workplace.  However, diversity doesn’t just mean including women and persons from diverse racial, ethnic and religious backgrounds.  Hire LGBTQ+ and create a supportive atmosphere for them to thrive.
  • Sponsor a queer space or initiative.
If you really want to put your money where your mouth is and make a lasting impression on the LGBTQ+ community, find an organization or space to sponsor or make a donation to.  There are thousands of organizations to choose from that impact the community every day, and even a small donation can make a huge impact.  There are likely great organizations that are local to you, but here’s a list of 20 nationwide non-profits we encourage you to make a donation to. No matter what your business offers, you know it is needed year-round. If you are lost on how to communicate or market your offer to the LGBTQ+ community outside the month of June, COMMANDO has your back. We can help you stay in front of your target LGBTQ+ audience all year round. 


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