Is your campus ready for the LGBTQ+ generation?

by | Sep 14, 2021 | Blog

Younger generations are increasingly queer according to recent studies, but will colleges be able to keep up with the growing community? According to a survey by Gallup, 1 in every 6 Gen Z adults identifies as LGBTQ+. In another study from NBC news, 20% of millennials said they belonged to the community. With both of these generations combined and multiple studies to back up the data, it’s clear the queer community is growing rapidly. Society is still catching up and as these folks move through the education space and into the workforce, it’s more important than ever that universities are equipped to provide for their incoming students. There are over 3,000 universities in the United States and out of that number, only 200 have LGBTQ+ centers on campus. Although more than 200 of the universities may be LGBTQ+ inclusive, incoming students will see nothing but the obvious. If your institution is one that does not offer a resource center, it may be time to evaluate your marketing and recruiting practices. Whether considering trade schools or four-year degree programs, LGBTQ+ folks are looking for institutions with the tools, resources and language to support them as they work toward their career goals. At COMMANDO, we work with organizations to grow and recruit LGBTQ+ folks. As an agency BY and FOR the LGBTQ+ community, we want to offer you 3 ways to attract LGBTQ+ folks to your organization:
    1. Be visible Whether you’re working with organic marketing (posting to social media, blog content website content, etc.) or running paid advertising, it’s more crucial than ever to produce media that is expressly LGBTQ+ inclusive. Queer individuals will lean toward marketing that makes them feel seen. Consider including community diverse people in your imagery and be sure to remove gendered language from all of your content and copy.
    1. Let students know what’s in it for them What can the LGBTQ+ community expect from you and what will their experience at your location look like? How do you support them and what structure/policies is in place to ensure their safety? You don’t have to have a dedicated diversity center on campus to produce marketing that resonates with the community. Consider some of these questions presented and answer them in your recruitment materials.
  1. Target them where they’re actually hanging out Queer folks have unique behaviors, hang out spots and preferences. Marketing to this audience requires specific language and intentional targeting. At COMMANDO, we have a rich history within the community and with the apps that queer folks are swiping through on the daily. From dating apps to social spaces, we have the unique expertise to help your organization be visible when and where it matters most.
Whether you’re a large university or a technical school, the data makes it clear it’s more important than ever to recruit and retain LGBTQ+ talent to your school. This generation is setting the bar for all generations to come and we must be prepared to offer them the education necessary to further their future and our workforce. Interested in learning about how COMMANDO can help reach LGBTQ+ audiences? Click here to schedule a free consultation.


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