How COMMANDO helped a Sacramento-based clinic make a comeback

by | Feb 27, 2022 | Blog

The ongoing pandemic has caused businesses and organizations across the globe to see a huge dip in the efficiency of service efforts, like those provided by Golden Rule Services (GRS) out of Sacramento, California. Golden Rule Services (GRS) delivers HIV prevention, testing and medication to their local community. The organization was founded in the year 2000 in response to a gap in local culturally competent services provided to People of Color in Sacramento County, and to resolve disproportionate health, education, employment and criminal justice disparities experienced within those communities. Though the business has slowly grown over the years, COVID-19 presented new barriers on to their usual outreach strategy. As the organization largely relied on in person outreach they found themselves in need of a more COVID sensitive marketing and advertising strategy. In partnering with COMMANDO, GRS was not only able to adjust for a more digital focused strategy but also put data, analytics, and mile markers on their outreach efforts.   With the newfound growth came data tracking and analytics to not only help the organization better serve its existing clients but also to maximize their efforts for new clients, donors, and leadership.  “The success has been so overwhelming that now, for once, in over 20+ years, we have a patient waiting list. The data we’re able to collect online is very very critical. We’re now able to tell our board and our funders how many hits we get. It’s always in the tens of thousands,” said Executive Director, Clarmundo Sullivan  “Again, we’ve never seen this level of traffic on our website. We’ve never had this amount of phone calls coming in… COMMANDO has revolutionized our outreach strategy. Many more people are being served. Many more people are getting the care they need.” This experience has just been one of many COMMANDO has had over the years of working with organizations who serve marginalized populations. From marketing strategy, advertising and outreach to analytics, goal measurement and more, we have the expertise and insight necessary to maximize your outreach efforts.  No matter the industry, our marketing and advertising experts have hands-on experience to help your organization hit goals and take your efforts to the next level. Whether you have an existing digital marketing and advertising strategy or you’re just getting started, our experts are here to meet you where you’re at and develop campaigns to support you in achieving your goals.  Contact us to book your FREE 30 minute consultation to learn more about how COMMANDO can help. 


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